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2 Lines Grand Staff - 2 Treble Clefs (2 Line Music)

Practice on the piano with two hands using this 2 line grand staff with two treble clefs.

2 Lines Grand Staff - 2 Treble Clefs (2 Line Music)

(Click picture to see it fully)

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Here you will make the change from "reading the hand signs" to interpreting and singing from notes.

Make solfege signs easy for your students by using these cards.

Solfege Melody Cards on 2 Lines (Without Signs) - Do, Re, Mi, Fa and Sol

Here you will make the change from "reading the hand signs" to interpreting and singing from notes.

Make solfege signs easy for your students by using these cards.

Solfege Melody Cards on 2 Lines (Without Signs) - Do, Re, Mi, Fa and Sol

Here you will make the change from "reading the hand signs" to interpreting and singing from notes.

Make solfege signs easy for your students by using these cards.

Solfege Melody Cards on 2 Lines (Without Signs) - Do, Re, Mi and Sol

Here you will make the change from "reading the hand signs" to interpreting and singing from notes.

Make solfege signs easy for your students by using these cards.

Solfege Melody Cards on 2 Lines (Without Signs) - Do, Mi and Sol

Start combining Solfege signs with note lines. These melodies include Do, Re, Mi, Fa and Sol.

Solfege Melody Cards on Two Lines: Do, Re, Mi, Fa and Sol

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